Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Voice Output Communication Device

Voice output communication devices are used for individuals that are nonverbal. These devices allow the individual to communicate by simply pressing buttons which will convey one or more messages. The messages on the device are recorded specifically for that child, so that they are relevant to the child's needs and environment. This site has 9 really great strategies to consider when using voice output devices, it's important for teachers to be aware of these considerations to make sure the student feels comfortable using their device. (http://www.sfsu.edu/~cadbs/30VoiceOutput.pdf)


  1. Erin, I really enjoyed reading your post on voice output communication devices. These can be very useful in the communication between nonverbal students and their peers, educators, friends, and family. I have personally used one of these devices with a student in one of my classrooms and it was extremely effective and reduced much of her communication related frustrations and allowed her to actively participate in activities with and interact with her peers.

    1. That's great that you had the experience to work with these devices! I agree with you that they reduce frustration and allow students to participate and communicate with peers.
