Thursday, March 24, 2016

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder that includes impairments in social interaction and developmental language and communication skills combined with rigid, repetitive behaviors.
General Characteristics:
  • Little to no eye contact
  • Peer play is rarely observed
  • Emotions are rarely displayed
  • Utterances are stereotypic and repetitive 
  • Conversations are not maintained
  • Many fail to use words 
  • Marked distress is typically experienced over trivial or minor changes in the environment
  • Daily routines can become ritualized
  • Obsessive and compulsive behavior is frequently displayed 
  • Rocking, hand-flapping are repeated in cycles difficult to stop
  • Aggression towards others
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Loud sounds can result in fearful reactions
  • Rote memory
  • Remember information for long periods of time
  • Visual learning and thinking style
  • Concrete and literal activities
  • Ability to learn in detail and in 'chunks'
  • Use visual information meaningfully
  • Pay attention to small details and keep up attention, when motivated
  • Learn language in chunks (echolalia) by echoing and mimicking words or phrases
Needs: (found on pages 420-422)
  • Focusing on the discrete elements of the task being taught
  • Guided practice and reinforcing each step of a skill
  • Providing opportunities to interact with peers and rewarding when they do so
  • A schedule for their day
  • Structure and routine - avoid surprises
  • Direct statements
  • Feedback about the appropriateness of responses
  • Tasks that the individual can perform
  • Verbal communication with illustrations or pictures
Examples of Assistive Technology:
  1. iPads (here is a post about some Apps that children with Autism can use to help them throughout the day)
  2. Picture schedules (click here to read my post!)

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