Thursday, March 24, 2016

Intellectual Disabilities

Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills.
General Characteristics: *characteristics are unique to each individual*
  • Problems with cognition
  • Problems with adaptive behavior
  • A need for supports to sustain independence
Strengths & Abilities:
Each individual has unique strengths and abilities and cannot be generalized.
  • Natural supports - individuals own resources, family, friends, and neighbors.
  • Nonpaid supports - ordinary neighborhood and community (ex. clubs, recreational leagues)
  • Generic supports - services as public transportation and states' human services systems.
  • Specialized supports - disability-specific, such as human services delivered to families.
Examples of Assistive Technology:
  1. Screen magnification (you can read my post here
  2. Eye tracking software to allow expressive communication 

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