Saturday, November 28, 2015

Virtual Manipulatives

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives has a TON of free manipulatives to use for mathematics! It's so important in mathematics to have manipulatives for students to keep them engaged and learning. This site allows you to look through grade levels to see all the different types of manipulatives they offer. On the site you will first select an area of math you are learning (Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, or Date Analysis & Probability), after you have selected - it will bring you to a new screen where you can find all different manipulatives that pertain to that area of math.  This site is SO easy to use and has SO many manipulatives! Teachers can integrate this site into their lessons so easily because instead of students using typical manipulatives in the classroom, they can use this resource that can be found on a laptop or iPad. Just be aware that you must have Java downloaded onto your device for the manipulatives to work!

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