Sunday, November 29, 2015


Now that the semester is coming to an end I would like to take a chance to reflect on everything that I have learned. Coming into this class, I knew very little about assistive technology. I used to associate assistive technology with high end electronic products. But now I know this is not the case since assistive technology exists on a continuum, beginning with low tech, progressing to mid-tech and then to high-tech devices. I have learned the importance of Universal Design in my undergrad classes but I still felt unsure about how to meet the needs for all different types of learners. However, from this class I learned about SO many different resources that are out there to help educators meet all the areas within UDL (multiple means of representation, multiple means of action & expression, and multiple means of engagement). From these resources, I was able to reflect on a previous lesson of mine and add more UDL components to make my lesson one of the best! I also was unaware of all the UDL features that computers already have to accommodate for all people. It was amazing to learn about all these features and actually be able to test them out on my own computer! I also had the opportunity to research AT products and understand their functions. It made me realize that there are so many devices out there to help all different disabilities. And these devices truly help students to show their full potential in the classroom! I have learned so much more that I couldn't possibly be able to fit it all within one blog post (that's why you should read my other blog posts to see what else I've learned ☺). From my first blogs to my blogs currently, I can see a big difference in how much I have learned. I am now comfortable using terminology relating to AT and finding resources. Having this blog will help me a lot in my future classroom. I will be able to refer back to these wonderful resources and be able to incorporate them to strengthen my lessons. Thank you for embarking on this educational journey with me, I hope you have learned just as much as I have!


  1. Erin, I loved reading your reflection. I can see that learning about UDL and AT have helped strengthen your skills an as educator. I can also agree that this has helped give me more tools in my toolkit to use with students. The variety of resources we gained from this experience and from each other will be helpful in the future. I've really enjoyed following your journey through this blog as I did my own. Good luck with everything!

    1. Thank you Lauren!! I really enjoyed making this blog and agree that it's a great toolkit to pull resources and ideas from later on in our teaching careers. It was great getting to share our findings with everyone in the class, I've learned so much from you and everyone else!
